It’s time to support an
exploitation-free world.
It's time to adopt the equality model.
What is the Equality Model?
The global sex trade is a 120 billion dollar on- and offline industry, where every dollar of profit is fueled by human pain. The Equality Model seeks to:

those who are prostituted and trafficked.

Provide support
to help those who seek to exit the sex trade and rebuild their lives.

Hold accountable
pimps, brothel owners and buyers for the harms that they cause.
What survivors of the sex trade are saying about the Equality Model.

As a sex trade survivor, I know one thing for sure: Someone who has been sexually exploited should never be criminalized. When the U.S. adopts the Equality Model, they won’t be.
Marian Hatcher
Policy Analyst, Victim Advocate, Cook County, IL Sheriff’s Office

When you’ve been in the life, you see it every day: A power imbalance exists between those who purchase sex and those who are being purchased. Adopting the Equality Model is the best way to challenge that.
Rebecca Bender
CEO & Founder, Rebecca Bender Initiative

No human being should be a commodity. With the Equality Model, no human being would be bought or sold as though they are a disposable product to be used and discarded.
Bekah Charleston
Executive Director, Valiant Hearts

A world where there is racial and economic injustice is a world where the sex trade flourishes. I’m for the Equality Model because it gets to the heart of what drives the sex trade: inequality.
Vednita Carter
VCarter Ministries, Founder, Breaking Free

Most people in the sex trade are there because they don’t have the support they need to leave it. Adopting the Equality Model is the best way to ensure that they get that support.
Audrey Morrissey
Associate Director, My Life My Choice

You need a safe place to go before you can get out. The question is, what will it take to create those safe spaces for those in the sex trade? The Equality Model is key because it puts survivors and their needs first.
Nikki Bell
Founder, Living in Freedom Together (LIFT)

Too many survivor voices have been silenced in the debate about whether prostitution should be treated like just another job. But we’re using our voices to advocate for the Equality Model.
Alisa Bernard
Director of Education and Partnerships, Organization for Prostitution Survivors

It’s not the land of the free if all of us aren’t free. And freedom and equality are what the Equality Model is all about.
Aliza Amar
Founder, Breaking the Silence Together
Take action.
Think globally,
act locally.
Human rights and gender justice advocates across the United States are working to end exploitation and create a more equal and just nation. They can’t do it without you.
Pledge to create an
exploitation-free world.
We’re campaigning to create a more equal, exploitation-free nation by advocating for the Equality Model. Sign our pledge to let your legislators know where you stand.